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Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.
Pro. 23:12
Mission Statement
God has called me to prepare believers for spiritual warfare, perfecting the saints he has called, for the warfare against satans kingdom, teaching the Church to stand fast against all the operations of the enemy, until Jesus Christ returns. Preparing believers for the ministry, for edifying the body of Christ, bringing us to the knowledge of the Son of God, to the stature of the fullness of Jesus Christ.
To prepare the student for his walk with Christ and help the student to find their place in spiritual warfare and setting the captives free from satans power.
Jesus Christ is the head of our ministry and schools. We are a not ruled by the 501 c 3 government organization.
We are a non-denominational, Bible believing, Mark 16 full gospel school and fellowship. Open to all who want to study God's Word and grow in the faith for the kingdom of God.
The school is open to anyone who wants to study the Word of God, regardless of church or denomination affiliations.
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:” Matt.18:19, 20
We stand in these last hours of our age and having done all to stand for the kingdom of God and defeat our enemy as only believers in Christ armed with the mighty weapons of our warfare can. Please stand with me and let’s destroy all the works of the enemy.
Mark 16:15-20
And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
Pastor Richard C Wilmot, BRR, BA, MBA
Welcome to Hosanna Spiritual Warfare School
The gift of God's Word is one of the greatest blessings mankind has received. We are called to study his written, spoken and living word as passed down to us in the Holy Bible. We are all called to enter into the warfare with our enemy satan and destroy his kingdom, setting the captives free.
God has called Hosanna in the Highest Ministries, Hosanna Bible School and the Spiritual Warfare School and commissioned us to teach, preach and disciple the body of Christ, building it up until we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
We believe that freely you receive, freely you give. Our courses are without charge, except the books you will need, which will be your responsibility to purchase. Also, you will be responsible to support the bible school with donations as the Lord leads you and to help with your time and talents as the need arises.
Class times
Classes at this time will be mostly in the evenings one to two nights a week to start with. Classes will be Mondays & Fridays 6:00–7:30; Saturday Classes will be 9:00-11:00. At some time in the future the school will move to full time days and evening classes. A semester lasts approximately eleven weeks on the evening class schedule, meeting twice a week.
Curriculum (See attached Schedule next page)
Ministry Course
The completion of each course the student will receive a certificate. At the completion of the curriculum a diploma will be issued in Spiritual Warfare. Upon graduation students will be prayed for, hands laid upon and anointed and sent into the fields of ministry that they are called to by the Holy Spirit.
Contact us today and register for classes 407-491-4266
Hosanna Spiritual Warfare
IV Spiritual Warfare
1. Lucifer What Spiritual Warfare really is
2. The Under World
3. Weapons of our warfare
4. The Strong Man
5. Angelology
6. Demonology
7. Idolatry
8. Curses
9. Soul Fragmentation
10. Do's & Don'ts in Deliverance
Hosanna Spiritual Warfare School
Pastor Richard C Wilmot, BRR
School Professor/ Administrator
Born and raised in upstate New York. In November of 1945 I was born in Oneonta New York and given up for adoption from birth to Frank and Leonia Wilmot. I grew up being raised on the family farm and we lived in Whitney Point New York, where I attended the local school system until I was 17 years old.
I quit school and joined the U.S. Navy from 1963 to 1967.
While living in Massachusetts in January of 1972 I was born again, accepting Jesus Christ into my heart and began a desire to read the bible and learn God’s doctrines. During this time, I had little fellowship with other Christians, and began listening to Christian radio programs broadcast over a Boston station. Over the next two years God taught me from His scriptures without outside interference.
In 1972 I entered Massasoit College, taking business courses, and graduated in 1973 with a degree in business management. In 1976 I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and soon after began teaching on the gifts of the spirit. I have continued teaching and ministering to this very day. In 1979, after a marriage break up, I moved back to the family farm and began a small ministry work as pastor, working out of an old horse barn, some of God’s best work began in a stable, on the farm.
First, I began rehabbing the old barn and soon God sent finances and helpers which expedited the project along.
Our first ministry meeting, as Peaceful Meadow Ministry Center, began in 1982 with the speaker coming from Indiana, Dr. Marcus Haggard, who preached on deliverance and healing, many miracles were witnessed in those meeting. The ministry grew and in 1984 I married my life mate Jeannie Dixon and we had three kids, Truth, Virtue, and Josiah.
Over the next ten years we held seminars four times a year and people from all over the world came and received salvation, healing, deliverance, the release of the power of the Holy Spirit into their lives. I was in the deliverance ministry for over 15 years and was used of God to cast out and deliver thousands of believers from evil spirits. "Him that overcommeth" Raido program five days a week on a Syracuse N.Y. ststion, did mass deliverance over the raido with good results.
I also enrolled in Berean Bible College 1987, taking course in ministry, and graduated in 1991 with a degree in Ministry. In 2004 I received a MBA for career experience in managing International corporations, CEO International bank, Real Estate Investments and several other business projects.
In 1991 God directed me to sell the family farm, with the ministry center, campground and lake and moved us to Florida. At the time we were taking care of my mother she was in her 80’s, so we all packed up and moved.
Upon moving to Florida, the Lord had us ministering to other Pastor and their families. Then in 2015 we began Hosanna in the Highest Ministries here in Apopka. In 2017 we opened the bible school which is an extension of this ministry, and we hope to build up the body of Christ,” Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”.
Believer in Christ 52 years
Graduate of Berean Bible College, Ministry
Massasoit College, Business Management
MBA, Business Management Strategic Planning
Pastor, Teacher
47 years
Married to Jeannie 40 years
Between us
7 children
Grand Children 10
Great Grand's
Hosanna Spiritual Warfare School
Online Bible School
We now are holding classes online with Zoom conference classes, which are interactive, and we can communicate back and forth.
You will need to download the Zoom app on your computer or cell phone or any other device you wish to use for classes. See link:
Then email for the class code to enter the class at: